Sam and have our hearts.

I know that I have atleast 2 friends in Uganda who goes in here wishing they can read what I am writing....

So Sam and Muteesa....This is for you!


I know that my english is not very good but I also know that you will understand anyway.

One of you has been my friend since almost 5 years now, the other one since last year.

Both of you means alot to me....


This time you showed Me,Jennie Elias and Felicia what friendship is all about...

Helping eachother in the best way we could.

Beeing there for eachother when we need it, and love eachother for who we are.


We have been laughing so much during the week but you have also seen us crying.

I am so grateful for everything and when you say Thank you to us, never ever forget that you have helped us to....the difference is, that you don´t even know it.


                                 So Sam and Muteesa.....Thank you for who you are!


                                                                 Nkwagala nnyo!







Postat av: Åse

Friendship and love so important ❤

2013-03-10 @ 18:50:33
Postat av: Anna

More than anything ❤

2013-03-10 @ 19:16:32
Postat av: cecce

Så fint skrivet!! (Din engelska är bättre än min:-)

Har varit en dålig bloggläsare den senaste tiden men nu har jag kollat på alla fina och talande bilder och läst om era upplevelser. Blir berörd!!

Vilket arbete ni gör!!

Kram cecce

2013-03-11 @ 00:07:16
Postat av: Anna

Tack så mycket....:) Det är en ära att få göra det här arbetet...må väl och tack igen!

2013-03-11 @ 06:58:13
Tack för att du läser om våra barns liv på Bristol Academy, och Tack för att du vill lämna ett par ord hos oss, det värmer!

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